Return to Public Reports Legislation Details Legislation Number 0025-23 Legislation Title An Action Relating to the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee and the Navajo Nation Council; Approving the Purchase of Property Offered for Sale to the Navajo Nation by the Owners of Goulding’s Monument Valley Lodge and Tours, Monument Valley, Utah; Approving the Expenditure of Fund Principal of the Land Acquisition Trust Fund to Purchase the Property; and Approving a Limited Waiver of Sovereign Immunity Legislation Description The purpose of this legislation is to approve the expenditure of the Land Acquisition Trust Fund “fund principal” in the amount of $59,500,000 for the purchase of the Goulding’s Lodge and Tours property, Monument Valley, Utah, plus any closing costs, and expenses consistent with the general terms of the Real Estate and Asset Purchase Agreement for this Property. The legislation will also approve a limited waiver of sovereign immunity, Read Text View Last Updated Sponsor Herman M. Daniels, Jr. Co-Sponsor(s) Eugenia Charles-NewtonNathan Notah Status Failed Executive Branch (164/SAS No.) 019922 Vote Requirements Navajo Nation Council - Two-Thirds Vote of Council Legislation Entered By Julissa Johnson Approved Committees Naa'bik'iyati' CommitteeNavajo Nation Council OLC Number 23-041-01 Legislation Documents Date Uploaded By Document Title 07/21/2023, 02:26 pm Julissa Johnson 0025-23.pdf
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