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Legislation Details

Resolution Number
Legislation Number
Legislation Title
An Action Relating to the Resources and Development Committee, the Health, Education and Human Services Committee, the Naabik’íyáti’ Committee and the Navajo Nation Council; Cancelling the Navajo Nation Fair, the Fourth of July Celebration, the Northern Navajo Nation Fair, and all the other fairs, rodeos and ropings held on the Navajo Nation during 2020
Legislation Description
The purpose of this legislation is to cancel the Fourth of July Celebration, the Navajo Nation Fair, the Kayenta 4th of July Rodeo, Eastern Navajo Fair, the Ramah Navajo Fair and Rodeo, Naatsis’áán E’eaniih Day Celebration, Southwest Navajo Fair and Rodeo, Central Agency Fair, Utah Navajo Fair and Rodeo, Northern Navajo Fair, Alamo Indian Day, the Western Navajo Fair, and any other fairs, rodeos and roping events that would ordinarily be held on the Navajo Nation during 2020. The need to cancel these events is because of the Public Declaration of Health Emergency due to the COVID-19 virus. The fairs, rodeos and roping events are large gatherings of people and could expose large numbers of people to COVID-19.
Date Uploaded By Document Title
07/13/2020, 03:13 pm Julissa Johnson CJY-54-20.pdf