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Legislation Details

Legislation Number
Legislation Title
An Action Relating to an Emergency for the Navajo Nation; Waiving 11 N.N.C. §§ 3(B) and (C), 6(A) and 26(A); for purposes of addressing COVID-19 health crisis, postponing the 2020 Navajo Nation Chapter Elections for one year and extending current terms of office for such time
Legislation Description
This emergency bill will, for purposes of addressing the COVID-19 health crisis, postpone the 2020 Navajo Nation Chapter Elections for one year. Because of this postponement, terms of office for current officials (those holding positions subject to the chapter elections) will be extended for the same postponement period. These actions necessarily will require the waiving of certain provisions of the Election Code, including provisions at 11 N.N.C. §§ 3(B), 6(A) and 26.
Date Uploaded By Document Title
06/10/2020, 04:41 pm Julissa Johnson 0075-20.pdf
06/10/2020, 04:41 pm Julissa Johnson 0075-20.pdf
04/13/2020, 01:59 pm Julissa Johnson 0075-20.pdf
04/09/2020, 05:00 pm Julissa Johnson 0075-20.pdf
04/09/2020, 05:00 pm Julissa Johnson 0075-20.pdf
04/08/2020, 09:01 am Julissa Johnson 0075-20.pdf