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Legislation Details

Resolution Number
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Legislation Title
An Action Relating To Resources And Development And Budget And Finance Committees; Accepting the Following-up Review Of Kaibeto Chapter Corrective Action Plan Implementation; Imposing Sanctions For Not Implementing The Corrective Action Plan
Legislation Description
The purpose of the resolution is to accept the Auditor General’s Report, “A Follow-up Review of the Kaibeto Chapter Corrective Action Plan Implementation” (Report No. 19-13, March 2019. If approved, it will cause ten percent (10%) of monies payable from any governmental fund of the Navajo Nation as defined at 12 N.N.C. § 810 (S) to be withheld after the recommended sanction is approved by the Budget and Finance Committee and issued to Kaibeto Chapter until such time as the Kaibeto Chapter demonstrates to the Auditor General that the corrective action plan has been implemented per 12 N.N.C. § 9(B). If approved, the Navajo Nation Controller shall cause twenty percent (20%) of the chapter officials stipend payments to be withheld per 12 N.N.C. § 9 (C).