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Legislation Details

Resolution Number
Legislation Number
Legislation Title
An Action Relating to Resources and Development; Approving the Grant of Right-of-Way to Navajo Nation Oil and Gas Company to Operate and Maintain the Existing "6-5/8 Inch" Diameter Pipeline for Transporating Natural Gas On, Over, and Across Navajo Nation Trust Lands Within the Sanostee Chapter, Navajo Nation (San Juan County, New Mexico).
Legislation Description
Approving the Grant of Right-of-Way to Navajo Nation Oil & Gas to operate and maintain the Existing 6-5/8m inch diameter pipeline for transporting natural gas, over, and across Navajo Nation Trust Lands within the Sanostee Chapter, Navajo Nation (San Juan County, New Mexico).
Date Uploaded By Document Title
01/08/2025, 11:27 am Alfred MikeIII RDCJY-47-15.pdf